Channel: Larry Weltman - Fitness and Football
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HIT It. Then HIIT it Again

What is HIT, why do you want it and how can you add it into your fitness regime?High Intensity Training (HIT) or high intensity interval training (HIIT) has been around since the invention of the...

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How and Why to Increase Weight Training

Here are a few signs that it might be time to increase the amount of weights or the amount of repetitions that you’re currently using in your weight training sessions.-  If you feel like you’re not...

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Balancing Cardio and Strength Training: Yes You Can

You want to be fit, to have endurance and speed.  But you want to gain muscle as well.  Can you do both?  Yes, you can.  Even though the experts don’t all agree on this idea of balance, I believe it...

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Mix Your Cardio up!

Are you tired of jogging?  Your knees and back are sore all the time? Are long runs even necessary?  Nope.  There are other ways for you to do cardio.Not everybody likes running, and even if you do...

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Shake Up Your Weight Training

It’s boring doing the same thing over and over.  So when it’s something as important as working out,We need to find ways to mix it up. Don’t become a creature of habit!Not only will mixing up your...

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10 Easy Ways to Maximize Your Cardio Exercise

Cardio training is essential.  You might not like doing it for a variety of reasons, but you simply must.  It is difficult, it is too tiring, and it eats away a significant chunk of your time to just...

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